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217 book(s) were found with your criteria.
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Group by: Author  Genre  Series
Baby-sitters club graphic novels series
Baby-sitters club mystery series
Baby-sitters club portrait collection series
Baby-sitters club series
1. Kristy's great idea
2. Claudia and the phantom phone calls
3. Truth about Stacey
4. Mary Anne saves the day
5. Dawn and the impossible three
6. Kristy's big day
7. Claudia and mean Janine
8. Boy-crazy Stacey
9. Ghost at Dawn's house
10. Logan likes Mary Anne
11. Kristy and the snobs
12. Claudia and the new girl
13. Good-bye Stacey, good-bye
14. Hello Mallory
15. Little Miss Stoneybrook and Dawn
16. Jessi's secret language
17. Mary Anne's bad-luck mystery
18. Stacey's mistake
19. Claudia and the bad joke
20. Kristy and the walking disaster
21. Mallory and the trouble with twins
22. Jessi Ramsey, pet-sitter
23. Dawn and the coast
24. Kristy and the Mother's Day surprise
25. Mary Anne and the search for Tigger
26. Claudia and the sad good-bye
27. Jessi and the superbrat
28. Welcome back, Stacey
29. Mallory and the mystery diary
30. Mary Anne and the great romance
31. Dawn's wicked stepsister
32. Kristy and the secret of Susan
33. Claudia and the great search
34. Mary Anne and too many boys
35. Stacey and the mystery of Stoneybrook
36. Jessi's baby-sitter
37. Dawn and the older boy
38. Kristy's mystery admirer
39. Poor Mallory
40. Claudia and the middle school mystery
41. Mary Anne vs Logan
42. Jessi and the dance school phantom
43. Stacey's emergency
44. Dawn and the big sleepover
45. Kristy and the baby parade
46. Mary Anne misses Logan
47. Mallory on strike
48. Jessi's wish
49. Claudia and the genius of Elm Street
50. Dawn's big date
51. Stacey's ex-best friend
52. Mary Anne + 2 many babies
53. Kristy for President
54. Mallory and the dream horse
55. Jessi's gold medal
56. Keep out, Claudia
57. Dawn saves the planet
58. Stacey's choice
59. Mallory hates boys (and gym)
60. Mary Anne's makeover
61. Jessi and the awful secret
62. Kristy and the worst kid ever
63. Claudia's friend
64. Dawn's family feud
65. Stacey's big crush
66. Maid Mary Anne
67. Dawn's big move
68. Jessi and the bad baby-sitter
69. Get well soon, Mallory
70. Stacey and the cheerleaders
71. Claudia and the perfect boy
72. Dawn and the We Love Kids club
73. Mary Anne and Miss Priss
74. Kristy and the copycat
75. Jessi's horrible prank
76. Stacey's lie
77. Dawn and Whitney, friends forever
78. Claudia and crazy peaches
79. Mary Anne breaks the rules
80. Mallory Pike, #1 fan
81. Kristy and Mr. Mom
82. Jessi and the troublemaker
83. Stacey vs the BSC
84. Dawn and the school spirit war
85. Claudia Kishi, live from WSTO
86. Mary Anne and Camp BSC
87. Stacey and the bad girls
88. Farewell, Dawn
89. Kristy and the dirty diapers
90. Welcome to the BSC, Abby
91. Claudia and the first Thanksgiving
92. Mallory's Christmas wish
93. Mary Anne and the memory garden
94. Stacey McGill, super sitter
95. Kristy + Bart = ?
96. Abby's lucky thirteen
97. Claudia and the world's cutest baby
98. Dawn and too many sitters
99. Stacey's broken heart
100. Kristy's worst idea
101. Claudia Kishi, middle school dropout
102. Mary Anne and the little princess
103. Happy holidays, Jessi
104. Abby's twin
105. Stacey the math whiz
106. Claudia, queen of the seventh grade
107. Mind your own business Kristy
108. Don't give up, Mallory
109. Mary Anne to the rescue
110. Abby the bad sport
111. Stacey's secret friend
112. Kristy and the sister war
113. Claudia makes up her mind
114. Secret life of Mary Anne Spier
115. Jessi's big break
116. Abby and the best kid ever
117. Claudia and the terrible truth
118. Kristy Thomas, dog trainer
119. Stacey's ex-boyfriend
120. Mary Anne and the playground fight
121. Abby in wonderland
122. Kristy in charge
123. Claudia's big party
124. Stacey McGill...matchmaker
125. Mary Anne in the middle
126. All-new Mallory Pike
127. Abby's un-valentine
128. Claudia and the little liar
129. Kristy at bat
130. Stacey's movie
131. Fire at Mary Anne's house
Baby-sitters club special edition series
Baby-sitters club super mystery series
Baby-sitters club super special series
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