Baby-sitters club series
1. Kristy's great idea - MARTIN, ANN M.
2. Claudia and the phantom phone calls - MARTIN, ANN M.
3. Truth about Stacey - MARTIN, ANN M.
4. Mary Anne saves the day - MARTIN, ANN M.
5. Dawn and the impossible three - MARTIN, ANN M.
6. Kristy's big day - MARTIN, ANN M.
7. Claudia and mean Janine - MARTIN, ANN M.
8. Boy-crazy Stacey - MARTIN, ANN M.
9. Ghost at Dawn's house - MARTIN, ANN M.
10. Logan likes Mary Anne - MARTIN, ANN M.
11. Kristy and the snobs - MARTIN, ANN M.
12. Claudia and the new girl - MARTIN, ANN M.
13. Good-bye Stacey, good-bye - MARTIN, ANN M.
14. Hello Mallory - MARTIN, ANN M.
15. Little Miss Stoneybrook and Dawn - MARTIN, ANN M.
16. Jessi's secret language - MARTIN, ANN M.
17. Mary Anne's bad-luck mystery - MARTIN, ANN M.
18. Stacey's mistake - MARTIN, ANN M.
19. Claudia and the bad joke - MARTIN, ANN M.
20. Kristy and the walking disaster - MARTIN, ANN M.
21. Mallory and the trouble with twins - MARTIN, ANN M.
22. Jessi Ramsey, pet-sitter - MARTIN, ANN M.
23. Dawn and the coast - MARTIN, ANN M.
24. Kristy and the Mother's Day surprise - MARTIN, ANN M.
25. Mary Anne and the search for Tigger - MARTIN, ANN M.
26. Claudia and the sad good-bye - MARTIN, ANN M.
27. Jessi and the superbrat - MARTIN, ANN M.
28. Welcome back, Stacey - MARTIN, ANN M.
29. Mallory and the mystery diary - MARTIN, ANN M.
30. Mary Anne and the great romance - MARTIN, ANN M.
31. Dawn's wicked stepsister - MARTIN, ANN M.
32. Kristy and the secret of Susan - MARTIN, ANN M.
33. Claudia and the great search - MARTIN, ANN M.
34. Mary Anne and too many boys - MARTIN, ANN M.
35. Stacey and the mystery of Stoneybrook - MARTIN, ANN M.
36. Jessi's baby-sitter - MARTIN, ANN M.
37. Dawn and the older boy - MARTIN, ANN M.
38. Kristy's mystery admirer - MARTIN, ANN M.
39. Poor Mallory - MARTIN, ANN M.
40. Claudia and the middle school mystery - MARTIN, ANN M.
41. Mary Anne vs Logan - MARTIN, ANN M.
42. Jessi and the dance school phantom - MARTIN, ANN M.
43. Stacey's emergency - MARTIN, ANN M.
44. Dawn and the big sleepover - MARTIN, ANN M.
45. Kristy and the baby parade - MARTIN, ANN M.
46. Mary Anne misses Logan - MARTIN, ANN M.
47. Mallory on strike - MARTIN, ANN M.
48. Jessi's wish - MARTIN, ANN M.
49. Claudia and the genius of Elm Street - MARTIN, ANN M.
50. Dawn's big date - MARTIN, ANN M.
51. Stacey's ex-best friend - MARTIN, ANN M.
52. Mary Anne + 2 many babies - MARTIN, ANN M.
53. Kristy for President - MARTIN, ANN M.
54. Mallory and the dream horse - MARTIN, ANN M.
55. Jessi's gold medal - MARTIN, ANN M.
56. Keep out, Claudia - MARTIN, ANN M.
57. Dawn saves the planet - MARTIN, ANN M.
58. Stacey's choice - MARTIN, ANN M.
59. Mallory hates boys (and gym) - MARTIN, ANN M.
60. Mary Anne's makeover - MARTIN, ANN M.
61. Jessi and the awful secret - MARTIN, ANN M.
62. Kristy and the worst kid ever - MARTIN, ANN M.
63. Claudia's friend - MARTIN, ANN M.
64. Dawn's family feud - MARTIN, ANN M.
65. Stacey's big crush - MARTIN, ANN M.
66. Maid Mary Anne - MARTIN, ANN M.
67. Dawn's big move - MARTIN, ANN M.
68. Jessi and the bad baby-sitter - MARTIN, ANN M.
69. Get well soon, Mallory - MARTIN, ANN M.
70. Stacey and the cheerleaders - MARTIN, ANN M.
71. Claudia and the perfect boy - MARTIN, ANN M.
72. Dawn and the We Love Kids club - MARTIN, ANN M.
73. Mary Anne and Miss Priss - MARTIN, ANN M.
74. Kristy and the copycat - MARTIN, ANN M.
75. Jessi's horrible prank - MARTIN, ANN M.
76. Stacey's lie - MARTIN, ANN M.
77. Dawn and Whitney, friends forever - MARTIN, ANN M.
78. Claudia and crazy peaches - MARTIN, ANN M.
79. Mary Anne breaks the rules - MARTIN, ANN M.
80. Mallory Pike, #1 fan - MARTIN, ANN M.
81. Kristy and Mr. Mom - MARTIN, ANN M.
82. Jessi and the troublemaker - MARTIN, ANN M.
83. Stacey vs the BSC - MARTIN, ANN M.
84. Dawn and the school spirit war - MARTIN, ANN M.
85. Claudia Kishi, live from WSTO - MARTIN, ANN M.
86. Mary Anne and Camp BSC - MARTIN, ANN M.
87. Stacey and the bad girls - MARTIN, ANN M.
88. Farewell, Dawn - MARTIN, ANN M.
89. Kristy and the dirty diapers - MARTIN, ANN M.
90. Welcome to the BSC, Abby - MARTIN, ANN M.
91. Claudia and the first Thanksgiving - MARTIN, ANN M.
92. Mallory's Christmas wish - MARTIN, ANN M.
93. Mary Anne and the memory garden - MARTIN, ANN M.
94. Stacey McGill, super sitter - MARTIN, ANN M.
95. Kristy + Bart = ? - MARTIN, ANN M.
96. Abby's lucky thirteen - MARTIN, ANN M.
97. Claudia and the world's cutest baby - MARTIN, ANN M.
98. Dawn and too many sitters - MARTIN, ANN M.
99. Stacey's broken heart - MARTIN, ANN M.
100. Kristy's worst idea - MARTIN, ANN M.
101. Claudia Kishi, middle school dropout - MARTIN, ANN M.
102. Mary Anne and the little princess - MARTIN, ANN M.
103. Happy holidays, Jessi - MARTIN, ANN M.
104. Abby's twin - MARTIN, ANN M.
105. Stacey the math whiz - MARTIN, ANN M.
106. Claudia, queen of the seventh grade - MARTIN, ANN M.
107. Mind your own business Kristy - MARTIN, ANN M.
108. Don't give up, Mallory - MARTIN, ANN M.
109. Mary Anne to the rescue - MARTIN, ANN M.
110. Abby the bad sport - MARTIN, ANN M.
111. Stacey's secret friend - MARTIN, ANN M.
112. Kristy and the sister war - MARTIN, ANN M.
113. Claudia makes up her mind - MARTIN, ANN M.
114. Secret life of Mary Anne Spier - MARTIN, ANN M.
115. Jessi's big break - MARTIN, ANN M.
116. Abby and the best kid ever - MARTIN, ANN M.
117. Claudia and the terrible truth - MARTIN, ANN M.
118. Kristy Thomas, dog trainer - MARTIN, ANN M.
119. Stacey's ex-boyfriend - MARTIN, ANN M.
120. Mary Anne and the playground fight - MARTIN, ANN M.
121. Abby in wonderland - MARTIN, ANN M.
122. Kristy in charge - MARTIN, ANN M.
123. Claudia's big party - MARTIN, ANN M.
124. Stacey McGill...matchmaker - MARTIN, ANN M.
125. Mary Anne in the middle - MARTIN, ANN M.
126. All-new Mallory Pike - MARTIN, ANN M.
127. Abby's un-valentine - MARTIN, ANN M.
128. Claudia and the little liar - MARTIN, ANN M.
129. Kristy at bat - MARTIN, ANN M.
130. Stacey's movie - MARTIN, ANN M.
131. Fire at Mary Anne's house - MARTIN, ANN M.