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54 book(s) were found with your criteria.
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Group by: Author  Genre  Series
Voyages extraordinaires series
1. Five weeks in a balloon - VERNE, JULES
2. Voyages and adventures of Captain Hatteras - VERNE, JULES
3. Journey to the center of the earth - VERNE, JULES
4. From the earth to the moon - VERNE, JULES
5. In search of the castaways - VERNE, JULES
6. Twenty thousand leagues under the sea - VERNE, JULES
7. Round the moon - VERNE, JULES
8. A floating city - VERNE, JULES
9. The adventures of three Englishmen and three Russians in South Africa - VERNE, JULES
10. The fur country - VERNE, JULES
11. Around the world in eighty days - VERNE, JULES
12. The mysterious island - VERNE, JULES
13. The survivors of the chancellor - VERNE, JULES
14. Michael Strogoff - VERNE, JULES
15. Off on a comet - VERNE, JULES
16. Black diamonds - VERNE, JULES
17. Dick Sand, a captain at fifteen - VERNE, JULES
18. The Begum's millions - VERNE, JULES
19. The tribulations of a Chinaman in China - VERNE, JULES
20. The steam house - VERNE, JULES
21. Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon - VERNE, JULES
22. The Robinson Crusoe school - VERNE, JULES
23. The green ray - VERNE, JULES
24. Keraban the inflexible - VERNE, JULES
25. The vanished diamond - VERNE, JULES
26. The archipelago on fire - VERNE, JULES
27. Mathias Sandorf - VERNE, JULES
28. The lottery ticket - VERNE, JULES
29. The clipper of the clouds - VERNE, JULES
30. North against south - VERNE, JULES
31. The flight to France - VERNE, JULES
32. Two years' holiday - VERNE, JULES
33. Family without a name - VERNE, JULES
34. The purchase of the North Pole - VERNE, JULES
35. Caesar Cascabel - VERNE, JULES
36. Mistress Branican - VERNE, JULES
37. The castle of the Carpathians - VERNE, JULES
38. Claudius Bombarnac - VERNE, JULES
39. Little fellow - VERNE, JULES
40. Captain Antifer - VERNE, JULES
41. Propeller island - VERNE, JULES
42. Facing the flag - VERNE, JULES
43. Clovis Dardentor - VERNE, JULES
44. The sphinx of the ice fields - VERNE, JULES
45. The mighty Orinoco - VERNE, JULES
46. The will of an eccentric - VERNE, JULES
47. Second fatherland - VERNE, JULES
48. The village in the treetops - VERNE, JULES
49. The sea serpent - VERNE, JULES
50. The Kip brothers - VERNE, JULES
51. Scholarships for travel - VERNE, JULES
52. A drama in Livonia - VERNE, JULES
53. Master of the world - VERNE, JULES
54. Invasion of the sea - VERNE, JULES
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