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41 book(s) were found with your criteria.
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Group by: Author  Genre  Series
Mrs. Jeffries series
1. The inspector and Mrs. Jeffries  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
2. Mrs. Jeffries dusts for clues  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
3. The ghost and Mrs. Jeffries  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
4. Mrs. Jeffries takes stock  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
5. Mrs. Jeffries on the ball  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
6. Mrs. Jeffries on the trail  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
7. Mrs. Jeffries plays the cook  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
8. Mrs. Jeffries and the missing alibi - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
9. Mrs. Jeffries stands corrected  - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
10. Mrs. Jeffries takes the stage - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
11. Mrs. Jeffries questions the answer - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
12. Mrs. Jeffries reveals her art - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
13. Mrs. Jeffries takes the cake - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
14. Mrs. Jeffries rocks the boat - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
15. Mrs. Jeffries weeds the plot - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
16. Mrs. Jeffries pinches the post - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
17. Mrs. Jeffries pleads her case - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
18. Mrs. Jeffries sweeps the chimney - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
19. Mrs. Jeffries stalks the hunter - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
20. Mrs. Jeffries and the silent knight - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
21. Mrs. Jeffries appeals the verdict - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
22. Mrs. Jeffries and the best laid plans - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
23. Mrs. Jeffries and the feast of St. Stephen - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
24. Mrs. Jeffries holds the trump - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
25. Mrs. Jeffries in the nick of time - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
26. Mrs. Jeffries and the Yuletide weddings - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
27. Mrs. Jeffries speaks her mind - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
28. Mrs. Jeffries forges ahead - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
29. Mrs. Jeffries and the mistletoe mix-up - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
30. Mrs. Jeffries defends her own - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
31. Mrs. Jeffries turns the tide - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
32. Mrs. Jeffries and the merry gentlemen - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
33. Mrs. Jeffries and the one who got away - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
34. Mrs. Jeffries wins the prize - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
35. Mrs. Jeffries rights a wrong - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
36. Mrs. Jeffries and the three wise women - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
37. Mrs. Jeffries delivers the goods - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
38. Mrs Jeffries and the alms of the angel - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
39. Mrs. Jeffries demands justice - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
40. Mrs. Jeffries and the midwinter murders - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
41. Mrs. Jeffries aims to win - BRIGHTWELL, EMILY
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