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98 book(s) were found with your criteria.
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Group by: Author  Genre  Series
Homer Kelly series
1. The transcendental murder - LANGTON, JANE
2. Dark Nantucket noon  - LANGTON, JANE
3. The Memorial Hall murder - LANGTON, JANE
4. Natural enemy  - LANGTON, JANE
5. Emily Dickinson is dead  - LANGTON, JANE
6. Good and dead  - LANGTON, JANE
7. Murder at the Gardner - LANGTON, JANE
8. The Dante game - LANGTON, JANE
9. God in Concord  - LANGTON, JANE
10. Divine inspiration - LANGTON, JANE
11. The shortest day - LANGTON, JANE
12. Dead as a dodo  - LANGTON, JANE
13. The face on the wall - LANGTON, JANE
14. The thief of Venice - LANGTON, JANE
15. Murder at Monticello - LANGTON, JANE
16. The Escher twist - LANGTON, JANE
17. The deserter - LANGTON, JANE
18. Steeplechase - LANGTON, JANE
Irene Kelly series
1. Goodnight Irene  - BURKE, JAN
2. Sweet dreams, Irene  - BURKE, JAN
3. Dear Irene  - BURKE, JAN
4. Remember me, Irene  - BURKE, JAN
5. Hocus  - BURKE, JAN
6. Liar  - BURKE, JAN
7. Bones - BURKE, JAN
8. Flight - BURKE, JAN
9. Bloodlines - BURKE, JAN
10. Kidnapped - BURKE, JAN
11. Disturbance - BURKE, JAN
Jane Kelly series
John Kelly series
Kate Kelly series
Kelly Flynn knitting series
1. Knit one, kill two - SEFTON, MAGGIE
2. Needled to death - SEFTON, MAGGIE
3. A deadly yarn - SEFTON, MAGGIE
4. A killer stitch - SEFTON, MAGGIE
5. Dyer consequences - SEFTON, MAGGIE
6. Fleece Navidad - SEFTON, MAGGIE
7. Dropped dead stitch - SEFTON, MAGGIE
8. Skein of the crime - SEFTON, MAGGIE
9. Unraveled - SEFTON, MAGGIE
10. Cast on, kill off - SEFTON, MAGGIE
11. Close knit killer - SEFTON, MAGGIE
12. Yarn over murder - SEFTON, MAGGIE
13. Purl up and die - SEFTON, MAGGIE
14. Knit to be tied - SEFTON, MAGGIE
15. Only skein deep - SEFTON, MAGGIE
16. Dyeing up loose ends - SEFTON, MAGGIE
Kelly Jackson series
Kelly Jones series
1. The tunnels - GAGNON, MICHELLE
2. Bone yard - GAGNON, MICHELLE
3. The gatekeeper - GAGNON, MICHELLE
4. Kidnap & ransom - GAGNON, MICHELLE
Kelly Pruett series
Kelly Ryan series
Kelly series
Madison Kelly series
Maggie Kelly series
1. Maggie needs an alibi - MICHAELS, KASEY
2. Maggie by the book - MICHAELS, KASEY
3. Maggie without a clue - MICHAELS, KASEY
4. High heels and homicide - MICHAELS, KASEY
5. High heels and holidays - MICHAELS, KASEY
6. Bowled over - MICHAELS, KASEY
Marshal Piedmont Kelly series
Michael Kelly series
1. The Chicago way - HARVEY, MICHAEL
2. The fifth floor - HARVEY, MICHAEL
3. The third rail - HARVEY, MICHAEL
4. We all fall down - HARVEY, MICHAEL
5. The Governor's wife - HARVEY, MICHAEL
Nora Kelly series
2. The scorpion's tail - CHILD, LINCOLN; PRESTON, DOUGLAS
Robyn Kelly series
Thomas Kelly series
Vera Kelly series
Yellowstone Kelly series
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