Father Blackie Ryan series
1. Happy are the meek - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
2. Happy are the clean of heart - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
3. Happy are those who thirst for justice - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
4. Happy are the merciful - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
5. Happy are the peace makers - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
6. Happy are the poor in spirit - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
7. Happy are those who mourn - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
8. Happy are the oppressed - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
9. The bishop at sea - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
10. The bishop and the three kings - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
11. The bishop and the missing L train - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
12. The bishop and the beggar girl of St. Germain - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
13. The bishop in the West Wing - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
14. The bishop goes to the university - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
15. The bishop in the old neighborhood - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
16. The bishop at the lake - GREELEY, ANDREW M.
17. The archbishop in Andalusia - GREELEY, ANDREW M.