Freddie Fernortner, fearless first grader series
1. The fantastic flying bicycle - RAND, JOHNATHAN
2. The super-scary night thingy - RAND, JOHNATHAN
3. A haunting we will go - RAND, JOHNATHAN
4. Freddie's dog walking service - RAND, JOHNATHAN
5. The big box fort - RAND, JOHNATHAN
6. Mr. Chewy's big adventure - RAND, JOHNATHAN
7. The magical wading pool - RAND, JOHNATHAN
8. Chipper's crazy carnival - RAND, JOHNATHAN
9. Attack of the dust bunnies from outer space - RAND, JOHNATHAN
10. The pond monster - RAND, JOHNATHAN
11. Tadpole trouble - RAND, JOHNATHAN
12. FrankenFreddie! - RAND, JOHNATHAN