Ellie Haskell series
1. The thin woman - CANNELL, DOROTHY
2. Down the garden path - CANNELL, DOROTHY
3. The widows club - CANNELL, DOROTHY
4. Mum's the word - CANNELL, DOROTHY
5. Femmes fatal - CANNELL, DOROTHY
6. How to murder your mother-in-law - CANNELL, DOROTHY
7. How to murder the man of your dreams - CANNELL, DOROTHY
8. The spring cleaning murders - CANNELL, DOROTHY
9. The trouble with Harriet - CANNELL, DOROTHY
10. Bridesmaids revisited - CANNELL, DOROTHY
11. The importance of being Ernestine - CANNELL, DOROTHY
12. Withering heights - CANNELL, DOROTHY
13. Goodbye, Ms. Chips - CANNELL, DOROTHY
14. She shoots to conquer - CANNELL, DOROTHY