Charles Paris series
1. Cast, in order of disappearance - BRETT, SIMON
2. So much blood - BRETT, SIMON
3. Star trap - BRETT, SIMON
4. An amateur corpse - BRETT, SIMON
5. A comedian dies - BRETT, SIMON
6. The dead side of the mike - BRETT, SIMON
7. Situation tragedy - BRETT, SIMON
8. Murder unprompted - BRETT, SIMON
9. Murder in the title - BRETT, SIMON
10. Not dead, only resting - BRETT, SIMON
11. Dead giveaway - BRETT, SIMON
12. What bloody man is that - BRETT, SIMON
13. A series of murders - BRETT, SIMON
14. Corporate bodies - BRETT, SIMON
15. A reconstructed corpse - BRETT, SIMON
16. Sicken and so die - BRETT, SIMON
17. Dead room farce - BRETT, SIMON
18. A decent interval - BRETT, SIMON
19. The Cinderella killer - BRETT, SIMON
20. A deadly habit - BRETT, SIMON