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56 book(s) were found with your criteria.
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Group by: Author  Genre  Series
Juvenile Fiction
Nancy Drew girl detective and the Hardy Boys undercover brothers super mystery series
1. Terror on tour - KEENE, CAROLYN; DIXON, FRANKLIN W.
2. Danger overseas - KEENE, CAROLYN; DIXON, FRANKLIN W.
4. Gold medal murder - KEENE, CAROLYN; DIXON, FRANKLIN W.
5. Bonfire masquerade - KEENE, CAROLYN; DIXON, FRANKLIN W.
6. Stage fright - KEENE, CAROLYN
Nancy Drew girl detective series
1. Without a trace - KEENE, CAROLYN
2. A race against time - KEENE, CAROLYN
3. False notes - KEENE, CAROLYN
4. High risk - KEENE, CAROLYN
5. Lights, camera... - KEENE, CAROLYN
6. Action - KEENE, CAROLYN
7. The stolen relic - KEENE, CAROLYN
8. The scarlet macaw scandal - KEENE, CAROLYN
9. Secret of the spa - KEENE, CAROLYN
10. Uncivil acts - KEENE, CAROLYN
11. Riverboat ruse - KEENE, CAROLYN
12. Stop the clock - KEENE, CAROLYN
13. Trade wind danger - KEENE, CAROLYN
14. Bad times, big crimes  - KEENE, CAROLYN
15. Framed - KEENE, CAROLYN
16. Dangerous plays - KEENE, CAROLYN
17. En garde - KEENE, CAROLYN
18. Pit of vipers - KEENE, CAROLYN
19. The orchid thief - KEENE, CAROLYN
20. Getting burned - KEENE, CAROLYN
21. Close encounters - KEENE, CAROLYN
22. Dressed to steal - KEENE, CAROLYN
23. Troubled waters - KEENE, CAROLYN
24. Murder on the set - KEENE, CAROLYN
25. Trails of treachery - KEENE, CAROLYN
26. Fishing for clues - KEENE, CAROLYN
27. Intruder - KEENE, CAROLYN
28. Mardi Gras masquerade - KEENE, CAROLYN
29. The stolen bones - KEENE, CAROLYN
30. Pageant perfect crime - KEENE, CAROLYN
31. Perfect cover - KEENE, CAROLYN
32. The perfect escape - KEENE, CAROLYN
33. Secret identity - KEENE, CAROLYN
34. Identity theft - KEENE, CAROLYN
35. Identity revealed - KEENE, CAROLYN
36. Model crime - KEENE, CAROLYN
37. Model menace - KEENE, CAROLYN
38. Model suspect - KEENE, CAROLYN
39. Green-eyed monster - KEENE, CAROLYN
40. Green with envy - KEENE, CAROLYN
41. Seeing green - KEENE, CAROLYN
42. Secret sabotage - KEENE, CAROLYN
43. Serial sabotage - KEENE, CAROLYN
44. Sabotage surrender - KEENE, CAROLYN
45. California schemin' - KEENE, CAROLYN
46. Mystery at Malachite Mansion - KEENE, CAROLYN
47. Stalk, don't run - KEENE, CAROLYN
Nancy Drew girl detective super mystery series
1. Where's Nancy - KEENE, CAROLYN
2. Once upon a crime - KEENE, CAROLYN
3. Real fake - KEENE, CAROLYN
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